What type fo Combat System should i do

Hello! So I want to make a fighting game with good combat system. I want make combat system like in Soul Shatters (before revamp) but i having main problem with push forward when you use light attack.

I had a lot of tries to do push forward but or it was working rusty or it wasnt working at all. And so i decided to change combat system type to a easier one. What one i should do?

  1. Like Critical Strike
  2. Like A Universal Time
  3. Still trying to do like Soul Shatters
  4. Your own idea.

As for the “push foward” that you’re mentioning, you can either apply a BodyForce (easier solution, but harder to adjust the amount of moving foward), or tween the CFrame of the “HumanoidRootPart” to a position in front of the player when they do the light attack.

As for your main question, I prefer the “A Universal Time” combat system because it balances the mechanics and elements of Soul Shatters and Critical Strike to create enjoyable combat, but that’s only what I have to say.

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