What type of bullet is this?

I’m trying to figure out if this is a part or a beam. Whatever it is right? Screenshot 2021-07-01 at 22.52.16

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I might be wrong but the bottom picture looks like a trail???

A lot of games follow this! You shouldn’t if you look for a high quality game.
You should add that fire effect that is at the gun barrel.
And have a realistic bullet shoot out, that is all.

The bottom image looks like its a part with some material i dont remember its name fully but maybe Foil?

You mean Forcefield, it is not its actually a beam

I mean this is debatable firing a real bullet isn’t going to show at high speeds.

If it’s suppose to be a realistic game that is the point.
You shouldn’t be able to see the bullet.
What I meant is that after the gun is fired, the round fired will be on the floor.(And stay there for five seconds)
It also should be a real bullet, let’s say you can look how you died and it goes slow-mo, then, obviously, the bullet should go super slow to make it look good.

Projectiles can move at high speeds with no lag, as we see in this game:

Does it use a cache system? Or are you calling Instance.new() every time they fire a gun to create the bullet?

I have a part/bullet in ReplicatedStorage that I clone, It doesn’t make a difference really if I do that or Instance.new().

Are you asking me this to ask how I avoided lag?

I avoid lag by replicating the physical projectile to all clients, but then I handle hit detection and damage on the server.

I said it’s not going to show if you make a realistically sized bullet. Of course, you can fire bullets at high speeds with no lag.

You should look into PartCache

Have you played the game I linked? Because Its moving at high speeds and it shows, you can clearly see the bullet moving in mid air, at a high speed…

Screenshot 2021-07-02 at 11.17.13
Personally, I wouldn’t consider this as a realistically sized bullet. But yes you can see them.

What would be a realistically sized bullet? Do you want me to make the bullet smaller?

I’m not telling you to change anything I’m just saying that what @HardenDev said, with a realistic sized bullet on high velocity would result in it being very hard to see incoming fire. High quality games don’t have to be super realistic.

Take battlefield for example with the same kind of bullet trail

But, again, there are games that wish to be super Realistic. I know at least 5 Developers who has 300+ players in their games, and have a Realistic sized bullet. You cannot see incoming fire, that is the point.

It just depends on what type of game you want to make. Not based on high quality. Low poly games can be high quality even though they are not realistic at all.

I completely understand and agree.

But, if you want some High Quality, Realistic(By like Realistic Life) then you shouldn’t have a Bullet trail, and have a realistic bullet. But, again, realistic and high quality games don’t have this, games should have this if they look for Realism.