What type of files/codecs do VideoFrames support?


I’m trying to test VideoFrames with local videos. So far it has only worked once yesterday with one video.

All I know is that I’m supposed to use .webm files, but apparently it goes even further cause most of them are not working. I also need a specific supported video & audio codec.

Does anyone happen to know what those supported video and audio codecs are? The videos I’m using are 1280 by 720, I get no errors when playing the videos, they just leave me with a blank VideoFrame when played.

(This is the script I use to play the videos, 100% sure that the script itself is not the issue.)

local Test = {};

function Test:Load()
	print("1280 by 720 Videoframe testing.");
	local ScreenGui = Instance.new("ScreenGui");
	ScreenGui.Parent = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.PlayerGui;
	local VideoFrame = Instance.new("VideoFrame");
	VideoFrame.Parent = ScreenGui;
	VideoFrame.AnchorPoint = Vector2.new(0.5, 0.5);
	VideoFrame.BorderSizePixel = 0;
	VideoFrame.Position = UDim2.new(0.5, 0, 0.5, 0);
	VideoFrame.Size = UDim2.new(0, 1280, 0, 720);
	VideoFrame.Looped = true;
	VideoFrame.Volume = 1;
	VideoFrame.Video = "rbxassetid://"; 


return Test;

Hi Akira,
The current supported video format is vp8/vp9, <= 720p and opus/vorbis audio.
VideoFrame.Video = "rbxassetid://"; should be rbxassetid://$assetId or rbxasset://$assetPath . assetId must be from a valid asset from Roblox. assetPath should be a relative path from the local content folder.
VideoFrame.Volume = 1; would be very quiet. Try 10.
Do you know what is different between the video that works for you and the ones that don’t?


didn’t know that. One question, when will videos be out to the public? We’ve been waiting for 2 years, yet no update on the matter.

Unfortunately, I don’t have an estimated time of arrival.
We are actively working on it and can promise you that you will not have to wait anywhere near another 2 years for it.
Hang in there a bit longer.



Sorry for the late reply, I wasn’t checking my e-mails. I found out the settings you listed myself. The difference was the webm that weren’t working for me weren’t using vp8/vp9 formats.

Thank you for sharing these with me, as I and a few others couldn’t find this on the documentation or any other forum posts.

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