What type of games are trending now?

I want to create a front page game or a game that can create a small community.
I’ve been thinking of RNG Games however I feel like they’ve kind of died out. So I wanted to ask you guys for some game ideas which could become trending now.

Thanks guys.


Trends can spawn and die really fast on Roblox. You probably already know this, but I would suggest avoiding going for a trend if you’re not going to deliver a game really fast. Especially if the trend is not something you know really well or if you have no idea about its future potential.


I’ve tried ideas while they weren’t trending such as obbies, TD Games etc. What type of game do you suggest I make? I was also thinking horror?

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Horror games, battlegrounds games, RNG games, simulator games, story games, roleplay games.

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I don’t think RNG Games and Story Games are trending anymore. Last time I saw someone play a story game was 4 years ago.

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Break in still has 7k CCU and there are games that you wouldn’t consider story games like Rainbow Friends that incorporate story elements. RNG is a universal concept as well, there are still RNG games like plinko games being made.

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My suggestion is: play a lot of different games. A lot. You’ll eventually find something you like or that you think has potential, that could be made differently. If nothing clicks, then maybe trying to do something you have 0 passion for is not a great idea.

Choosing a type of game, with no ideas, just to reach the front page means relying solely on luck. I suggest you to find at least a compromise: something that’s trending/popular but you also like and you have your vision for.

  1. Trending games aren’t exactly the best thing to do on Roblox

  2. Not many games are trending right now.

  3. Might as well start your own trend eh? Yk be the OG.

If I had to give an answer I would say line simulators. Like bathroom line simulator. Although those are already dying out.

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Why do people actually waste their time playing those? I played one and iirc you just wait in a line until you’re at the beginning and then you just die or get some points.

Surely, the people that are playing those type of games aren’t just staring at their screen as they progress along the line… at least I hope they aren’t because that seems so boring.

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It probably is boring, I payed one just to test it out. It was just another boring game, the description hypes up LITERALLY NOTHING!! It says smth like “wait in line to go to the bathroom, but be prepared for twists and turns making every moment an adventure!” It’s literally you just waiting in line and sometimes cutting the line :skull::skull::skull:

Edit: most people that play line simulators are either young children or people who are very bored and are desperate for entertainment.

just make any game with anime theme and you’re successful

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