Wich one looks best?
I think they all look absolutely amazing, but I was to choose out of all of them, I would say probably left.
What Vfx is this for? (fighting, rng, …)
This is just a example for our team to take commisions in the future. This could be a aura or smh.
Honestly I think the middle one looks best, but there’s certainly room for improvement here.
The magic circles beneath the orbs are incredibly jittery.
You can smooth this out by making a number sequence V shape with the transparency, starting on max transparency at 1, going to 0 transparency at 0.5, then going back to max transparency at 1.
The arcs look a little strange to me, I would try to use a flip book particle effect to replace it or add a circle which always faces the player to solidify a circle a bit better.
I think you could do a bit more with the specs, add some drag and negative Y acceleration to almost make it feel like a fire spec falling down.
You should also add some variety in both shape and color in the specs to make it a bit nicer and more full.
Play around with it a little bit, the effects look rushed
Other than that good start!
The one on the left looks best, Its unique, its more logical, and its FIRE!
The middle one is made by my friend. The whole project is a remade from a ref we followed and later on we just tried a bit making it cool. I’m thankfull for your respond. Glad to hear the comments. Thank you.