What will I need to plan a map?

Hello there! How is life? I am in my initial time of preparing an entertainment project.
I am attempting to be good at explaining. What will I need to design a map? I will like to add trees, lakes, rivers, cities, and even more profound things. How will all of you prepare it?


Make a sketch of your Map on a piece of paper or make 1 in Blender, from there you make your map.


use lucidcharts:

in there use lucidspark
when you click on new you will be able to see the option for lucidspark board

i made the below design with Inkscape
Sorry i forgot and just remembered (:date: 22/05/2021)
link for Inkscape:https://inkscape.org/

but lucidspark will help you brainstorm ideas


i am sure that will help plan things