What will replace MakeJoints()?

I was on the API when I noticed the :MakeJoints() function for Models and Parts is going to be deprecated soon.
This kinda sucks because it doesn’t link what will supersede it, if anything does at all.
Link to MakeJoints()

My whole game is kinda based off this function, and I was wondering if there is an official replacement for the function, if any at all.

I noticed “Workspace:JoinToOutsiders”, is that going to replace this?

Thanks for the info


SurfaceType based joining is deprecated, do not use MakeJoints for new projects. WeldConstraints and HingeConstraints should be used instead

It says so on the link you posted itself, I don’t know much about MakeJoints() since i’ve never used it but if you’re trying to create an extra limb you can just use a weld constraint (unlike a weld it wont break off when changing the CFrame)

WeldConstraints are object you must manually make. MakeJoints() for Models is actually a function you can call to iterate over every part inside the model and weld them according to surface type.

From what you’ve said I think you can recreate MakeJoints and have a handler func that takes in parameters and works the same way.

I could recreate it, but since surfaces are being deprecated, it serves no point to

Where does it say that surfaces are being deprecated?

Right there. Although surfaces might persist, surface based joining (which is what i need and care about) is being deprecated. If there is no way to MakeJoints() via script/command, then its as good as dead to me

sorry to bump a dead thread, but could you make one that doesnt base it on surfaces, i have massive builds that need to be welded but i (and others for that matter) dont want to manually add and properly set up weldconstraints on builds that have hundreds of parts.