What will the next trend be?

OK. So I have been in roblox community for like 2 years now and in devolopment for like 8 to 9 months and i was wondering what will the next game trend be cause as we all know its horror trend now a days so I wanted know what will the next trend be and will adopt me die off or survive? And is it a good idea to make a Horror game rn?


If your contemplating making a piggy style game, I wouldn’t because the trend is dying off. None really knows what the next trend will be, we’ll have to wait and see. :upside_down_face:


To add onto this, as soon as you see a game like Piggy, with it’s own concept and it’s rising in popularity/YouTubers are making videos on it, that’s when you know what the next trend will be.

Also depending on how fast you can develop a game, I’d work on a horror game just because Halloween/Fall is coming up and horror games trend upwards during this time.

If you already have a game, adding Halloween/Holiday events will spike your playerbase too.

Also Adopt Me will survive until something passes it. MeepCity was huge and then Adopt Me passed it. Jailbreak died along with MeepCity in my opinion.


Agreed, I don’t think adopt me is gonna die off any time soon they are growing substantially.


I’d say it’s impossible to predict the next trend. You can predict data trends but in terms of a genre trend (simulators, Piggy/Granny games, so on), those aren’t things you predict. Games just get made and sometimes they become popular enough that it sparks others to create games in its image.

There’s an infinite number of reasons why a trend can spawn, including wanting to outdo the original (enter: market competition). Developers see a simple concept working and believe that adding more finesse will generate their own form of success. Sometimes surpasses the originals, sometimes doesn’t. Games that look simple and have high traction are a free gateway into the mindset of “I can do that too, so that means I can gain traction too”.

Example is Dungeon Quest and Piggy. Two games that seem simple enough to replicate and so there are a few games similar to it but with added complexity, new visuals and features and the like. Simulators are also a very big example: a simple concept that with a new coat of paint (unless you’re really taking the mile to innovate), can get you quick traction.


Actually, it seems lately that games that are targeted directly towards kids:

Story Games
Adopt Me

Are growing in trending since well, there are more kids now :man_shrugging:.
A game that kids enjoy might be the next trend since it seems reasonable.

These games targeted towards kids will as you notice, stick around longer. Games that don’t do get popular, but only for a short amount of days or so. Piggy and Adopt me hold around much longer than usual.


When kids go back to school, the games that are not updated frequently and have become stale will be old news and the games with regular content updates will be all the rage as children will be anxious to brag to their friends about their purchases.

Adopt me has a staff continuously working on updates so as long as they are pumping new things for kids to buy into the game, it will not die. Its a way for kids to feel superior to other kids. (You see this with adults, so I am not picking on kids. It’s like “keeping up with the Jones’s”)

The next trend will be something that is new, so it is impossible to predict. It will then be covered on youtube endlessly and copied many times until something new is created.