What would be the best way to go about moving a player to a certain point?

What would be the best way to go about moving a player to a certain point?

So basically I need to make the player move towards a certain Position.
And I need it to be smooth.

My guess is that I would use tween service,
But Im just asking yalls incase you know a better way!

This might require a way to this and move the player through the air

So how would I go about doing this?


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Hello again lol.

You can use Humanoid:MoveTo(). This function causes the Humanoid to attempt to walk to the given location by setting the Humanoid.WalkToPoint and Humanoid.WalkToPartproperties.

Oh sorry I forgot to clarify that I might have to move them through the air to.
And normally a player cant fly so . . .

So sorry!
Probably should have said that!

You could use align position or linear velocity.
Those are more performant than tweens.

You can use Lerp however since it’s a set amount of time to get to the position the farther it is the choppier and faster it goes. You can do lerp is a while true do

While true do

Hrp.CFrame = hrp.CFrameLerp(goalCF, 0.1)
If hrp.Pos-goalCF.Position).Magnitude < 5 then


Tho I would just do lerp without the while true do also on my phone so sorry bout the trash formatting