What would happen to the indexes of other instances, if 1 were to be removed?

Let’s say I have a list with 3 instances. If I were to remove for example instance with an index of 1, would other 2 instances’ indexes move down by 1, like index 2 becoming 1, and index 3 becoming 2?
And if I were to remove for example 2, would the same thing apply but only to the higher indexes: 1 staying 1, but 3 becoming 2?

I could not really find answers on Roblox documentation so I am asking here.


You could have tested this in Roblox Studio by removing values from an array and printing the table. The short answer is yes. Your hypothesis is correct on every point


Well, that’s a good point. But I have not found any similar topic on forum either, so if someone has same question he might find this post instead. Thanks for your answer!

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