Let’s say you made a thumbnail for a client and you already rendered it. What things would you make sure to add in editing? Where do you get it from or how do you make it?
Changing basic photo elements like Contrast, Vibrance, Saturation.
A lot of overlays
Where do you get your overlays from?
Google and many different GFX Discord Servers
I suggest doing the following:
Changing the basic settings of your render, such as Brightness, Contrast, Color Balance, Vibrancy, Saturation. Essentially, these help either lighten up the final product or make it more lively depending on what you’re going for.
Effects, for example a campfire scene, you would need a fire effect, sparks for the fire, and some extras you could try and find out yourself. Effects would include overlays, screens, grunge, etc.
Textures, changing and/or adding up your own textures to objects which lack them is very important to give it that extra detail almost everybody looks for.
Adding basic glows to items that glow so they don’t look flat. One way to do so is through Bloom (achievable in Cycles & Eevee) or using a soft brush with a layer style over it.
Fixing any lighting/shadow issues using brushes and such.
Color grading and effects in luminar