What would You like to see in a Cooperative Survival Game?

The survival genre has always been a type of game that never achieved extreme heights of popularity, but has never been so low that it has been forgotten or become repetitive.

As such, I want to know what other people think about what should be included in a Cooperative Survival Game, and how to keep a consistent (not high) player count for a decent amount of time.
Survival games I have been motivated by include Don’t Starve (Together), Terraria, Crashlands, etc.

I’ve already created a poll listing some of my ideas.

RNG Aspect (Not P2W, but not super grindy)
  • Yes
  • No (Please explain)

0 voters

Different “Kits” or “Classes” with different advantages that a player can choose
  • Yes
  • No (Please explain)

0 voters

2.5D Style (Don’t Starves camera angle)
  • Yes
  • No (Please explain)

0 voters

If you have any other ideas or recommendations on what should be put inside a co-op survival game, please do tell me : )


No gacha style please! [cringe]
Kits are good, have those.
Put normal camera. I want normal cam

I meant a gacha system, or rng type like genshin impact
Changed the topic to make it more clear

agree. Sometimes anime has to shut up for once.

For anime weebs, if you’re gonna flag my post this will just show youre a nerd

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Idk what that is, sorry. But if it is cool and fun add it for sure :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

RNG Aspect (Not P2W, but not super grindy)

I am a sucker for survival games and having it relatively grindy would be great. I remember playing Booga Booga a year or two ago and it only took 2-3 hours(?) to get max gear. Having your game grindy would definitely add some replayability to it.

Different “Kits” or “Classes” with different advantages that a player can choose

Sounds awesome! Just don’t create any pay-to-win kits.

2.5D Style (Don’t Starves camera angle)

I REALLY like this idea. However, I know there is other people who would disagree. So, just make it a toggleable feature!

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Since you are creating a Survival cooperative, the interaction should be very

Main aspects:

Players expect this ( if the survival coop is advanced )


You can hunt down anything apparently

PvP should be balanced, no 50 hp knife that kills you in 2 hit, atleast you should bleed
or DEPENDING on where you got hit, you may lose more life

About classes, depends…

Cooking your own food creates a great enviroment,

Day-Night cycle is important + Weather system ( you can get a cold if walk in the
night while it’s raining for example lol)

When you Log-off, you should think about it, will they respawn at the same location?
because if you want the game to be immersive, you should make the respawn system
like Apocalypse Rising, where you spawn at the same location ( don’t know about the
screen before spawning )

Cool design of the map, a great map full of locations is very important, because
sometimes you travel to explore and search for loot, and the more places, the better

ok i have no time anymore i’ll just stop