What would you rate my newest GFX?

First one back in 4 months,
sorry if it looks weird, made it in the middle of math class.

a little bit of photo manip somewhere in there, first time using artificial clothing (cape).

I don’t know what to name this one, what would you guys name it?


That looks very good.
I rate it 9/10
How do you do that stuff? I’d like to learn about GFX


Thanks! I’ve been doing GFX for years, but I recently took a long break.

Here’s the before and after of the picture.

7.5/10 pretty good, the rock on the front is a huge distraction and blocks out most of the scene, it’s a nice touch but it just blocks a lot of it, I would also make the clothing 3d and use a higher resolution texture (or just make the displacement more high quality)

oh ya also scale the rock image way down since it looks like you scale a really pixelated image and you can see the details the photoshop tried to recover (just makes the edge weird)

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Impressive! Few questions for my own advice.

Which rendering software do you use?

  • If Blender, Cycles or Eevee?

How long did that take you?

Where did you get your terrain assets from? I’ve been trying to find some of my own however I have a difficult time finding any free assets?

As for a name, I’m getting heavy mix of Star-Wars and Harry Potter so I wouldn’t be too sure. Also getting a real heavy RCL vibe from it as well, so maybe try and mix the 3 of those and see if you get a creative design for your title.

Nice on! 9/10

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Thanks for the feedback, and yeah, I just scaled a really pixelated image to the shape of a rock and blurred it, nice catch.

  1. Blender, Cycles always, but I had a good PC so I can run it.

  2. It took me a total of 1 hour and 30 minutes. I recorded the photoshop part of the GFX if you’d like to see I could upload it.

  3. I made the terrain myself, its pretty easy if you follow a tutorial (which is exactly what I did).

Thanks for the reply!

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I’m still too used to Eevee and I should really pick up on Cycles to improve my renders more, it’s just a hassle for the wait time for the render to complete.

I have a laptop with these specs:

  • i7-10750H (2.59 GHz base speed, 5GHz Overclocked)
  • RTX 2060
  • 16GB RAM

I’m gonna try and play around with Cycles a bit more to see if I can pick up on these kind of designs a bit more.

Not bad. I’d love to see the Photoshop part as I’m getting used to the change from Paint Dot Net and I’ve started to pick up a pattern.

Thanks! I’ll take a look.

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So the ground comes with the render the rest is just photo manipulations?

Very awesome GFX, incredible work. Love the amount of detail inserted into everything. Just pay attention in class!! :joy:

You could easily do cycles, and with a 2060 it wont even take long, just make sure your gpu is the one rendering and not you cpu. Also to speed up the procees go to Edit》Prefrences》System》Cuda》and checkmark both you gpu and cpu. Also if you get worried about you cpu overheating, Download any program like speccy and check your temperature while cycling if you cpu goes above 90° go back to Edit》Prefrences》System》Cuda》and de select cpu check mark, this will insure the least harm to your pc although might slow it down a little (10-15 sec)

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Should’nt you be doing math instead of rendering? but anyways good GFX