Started using blender and trying out new ideas what you guys think?
It looks good considering you just started.
Hmm not bad looks great keep up the good work
Oooh did you make the car model yourself? It’s quite neat
Rendering wise I have a few tips you may want to check out and experiment with;
Go to world properties, and then click the yellow dot next to color; select “Sky Texture” and then try out the different skies with different sun sizes, strengths, etc. I really like nishita although it is very bright with default settings
To actually render and save a photo, press f12 and find the image button in the top left corner and select “save as”; the render will save without any of the black lines or other stuff
To place the camera easily, just adjust your view in blender and press numpad 0 (not the 0 at the top of your keyboard); this is an easy way to quickly adjust renders
Sorry if you knew all of this already, and if not definitely share some updates if you produce anything cool
That is a great car model. The car looks perfecional.
Awesome for your first!
The car model isn’t usually that good for your first.
How long did you take to make it?
You should definetly render the images rather than just taking a screenshot straight up (also use hdris)
Nice for a beginner! The car is great, too.
A few hours just messing around In blender and watching tutorials on how to use blender and wanted to test out what I can make
They’re not renders those are just screenshots of Blender and Roblox Studio.
I don’t think you get it They are made In blender and they are rendered from studio to robles and i don’t know if you can see but im new to the blender game so if you would like to please back off
Why are you so mad? I just said something that I noticed so could you back off?