Whats a good name for this game?

Hello Roblox Developer Forums!

I am a programmer who has been with Roblox for quite some time now getting more into the community, I am beginning development on a brand new game but need some help coming up with a better name for it.

Game Idea
The game is primarily going to be a melee fighting game but I might add guns in the future. I already have most of the updates planned


Basic Red VS Blue with swords, try to get kills, not die. Nothing fancy

Update 0.0.2

Add timer for rounds, the team that wins is the team with the most kills, the winning team would get a small prize such as 50 coins, I would also add coins but they would be useless for now.

Update 0.0.3

Make it so when a new round begins players can vote or it randomly selects a new map out of about 3 total options.

Update 0.0.4

Add a shop where players can buy temporary boosts such as ā€œ2X speedā€, each boost would last for 1 round

Update 0.0.5

Add different game modes, such as Capture the Flag, Team deathmatch (default), Low gravity, etc.

I have come up with two name ideas
ā€œMelee Battlesā€
but as you can tell they are not the best, I am looking for better name suggestions as I begin development!

Thank you for reading, all feedback is appreciated

  • FinleyFraser

I believe I have a good one, Melee Fighters. Maybe battle fighters?

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My idea would be:
Critical Attack
idk it sounds cool to me

(The) Fight for Glory sounds pretty good.

(If you couldnā€™t tell, ā€œtheā€ is optional)

Iā€™d shy from ā€œMelee Battles.ā€ It reminds me too much of a mobile game title or something of that sort. Maybe think about some key features in the game and title it based on that? For example, if a primary movement involves slicing, you could name it ā€˜Slash.ā€™

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Hereā€™s good name for this:
Melee Attack

Hmmmmm I thi k a good name would be (The) Colorful Battles