What's a good POV for my TBB fangame and what's the best way to make the player move their camera left or right?

Hello There!

I’m creating a The Battle Bricks (TBB) fangame which, the original game (TBB), is based off The Battle Cats. Although different from each other, they have the same exact gameplay which I’ll break down to simplify it (Keep in mind that the gameplay I’m going to break down is if you’re playing a level):

When you first start a level, you’ll notice that you’ll be placed in a 2D Perspective and you can move your camera left and right. (Although your camera is set to your base). On the other side of the level is the enemy base. Your main goal is to summon units to defeat the enemy base, although there will be enemies spawning from the enemy base. The text below is some core mechanics during rounds.

  1. Bank - On the left corner side of the screen is the Bank, what the bank does is that each time it’s upgraded, it will increase the limit of the amount of money you can spend on to purchase units, although the price of upgrading the Bank again increases. The maximum level is 8.
  2. Cannon - On the right corner side of the screen is the Cannon, when the round first starts, it will be on cooldown. After the cooldown is done, you can use the Cannon to wipe out enemies. In TBB, the Cannon will aim at the nearest enemy and explodes said enemy, dealing AoE damage whilst in TBC, the cannon will fire a shockwave which damages enemies.
  3. Units - In the middle of the Bank and Cannon are units, all units have a certain price in order to be spawned in and has a cooldown once you spawn said unit. When a Unit is spawn, it will move towards the enemy base to damage it, when near an enemy, it will deal damage to enemy and blah blah blah you get it.
  4. Wallet - The Wallet is the amount of money you can hold during rounds, as stated earlier, the Bank can increase the Wallet amount of money.

After that VERY long although simple explanation of what TBB/TBC is, I am trying to find two things, What’s the best POV for my TBB/TBC game and what’s the best way of moving the players camera left and right?

And if you are wondering about the POV currently, this is what it looks like. I personally dislike it because of how uncomfortable the camera is currently. The image below me is TBB’s POV which I am trying to replicate.



well, you can start by dithing the player entirely, set it offstage and get a part as the camera, listen for inputs and move the part accordingly

When you mean by “Dithering the player”, do you mean by placing the player in a tiny box and then just set their camera towards a part?

ditching* my C key has a grudge against me I suppose

Ah alright then, but when you say “Ditching the player”, do you mean just placing the player in a box and set their camera to a part?

yeah, just somewhere the camera can’t see

Well, I guess that works. Although now I just need a good POV for the camera.

Basically, the current POV I have is something I personally dislike, because the POV makes it so that the camera appears to go down.

maybe move it up a little? you are working in a 3d space so it shouldn’t come as a surprise

I’ve moved the camera three studs up, although it didn’t worked as I wanted it to be.

Btw, here’s the current script for the camera thingy:

local Camera = workspace.CurrentCamera


Camera.CameraSubject = workspace.CAMERAPART
Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Attach
Camera.FieldOfView = 130

	Camera.CFrame = CFrame.new(workspace.CAMERAPART.Position) * CFrame.new(0, 0, 10)

for some reason the FOV of your perspective is really high. The POV you are trying to replicate seems to have a pretty low fov. Making the FOV lower makes a more cinematic view. I highly recommend you try it.

How’d I do that?

{Filler Filler Yay}

Im pretty sure there is a “FieldOfView” Property to the camera. You can modify it by a script.

Yeah right there 130 is WAY too high. Lower it down to like 80 and put the camera further away

And for camera movement, use UserInputService to tell when the player started and stopped pressing “a” or “d”. Whatever key is pressed will move the camera on the z/x axis based on the angle of your map. Or in your case, simply move the “CameraPart” that you are using as the cframe of your camera.

I’ve already scripted that, but I’ll try doing the pov you requested.

EDIT: I think it replicated the POV nicely. Thanks a lot!

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