Hey guys. I’m working on a Medieval game right now and I can’t come up with a good title for it.
The game takes place during the Viking invasion of England, which was around 793-1285, but I want the game to be set around 860-900. Any ideas?
I got this. Haithabu. That’ll be one shinny penny.
Another one is Miojokull. I’m a pro.
What’s Miojokull mean? Is it a place? Also, Haithabu is in Germany, and my game is set in England so it wouldn’t really make sense.
What do you want the name to be themed around? Like, England itself, the soldiers, or the Vikings? If you narrow that down I think you could look up some really cool names.
I want it to be themed around the soldiers.
What country is the game situated?
England. It takes place during the Viking invasion of England, and I want the game to be set around 860-900.
Here are some:
March for the Lord
The Darkest of Ages
The Vikings
Viking Raiders
I like “The Darkest of Ages” a lot! I appreciate your help.
I like the name, very cool. The only thing is “Darkest” seems a little clunky to say to me. I’m not sure about others but “The Dark Ages” or something without the est makes it sound smoother. Don’t take this too seriously as people won’t care that much.
Alright. Thank you very much for the advice!
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