What's a good way to cover up the end of the map for a city map

So assuming if I make a map with alot of skyscrapers and towers, what would be a good way to cover up the end of the map. I don’t want it to just be an empty void. If the map was low then I would just make mountain but if it was high like skyscrapers then I have no idea how to cover it up and still make it look good. I could just put sea in but it’s not an island or a beach city. If you have any suggestions please suggest them below. Thanks in advance! (Apologies for some of my bad grammars)

You could populate the rest of the map with low detailed buildings and/or meshes of buildings. You could even have them go on for a near infinite distance depending on how much it affects performance. (Meshes would be much better for this than parts, you’d just need to disable their collisions and change their RenderFidelity). You can even design the layout of the Mesh scenery to look like it’s a player intended area (that they would be able to see from high) but use invisible walls to keep them from ever actually traveling outside of the intended map.


If it’s me I’ll make it ocean, and water will bounce you back.

You could extend the map out farther than where players are supposed to be and add invisible walls. It’ll look like the world expands out farther than it actually does. Additionally, you can add hills with some slight fog in the distance to make the effect more convincing. Usually if you’re on land, you can only see about as far as the tallest hill in the direction you’re looking. This is what I’d do to make the map feel larger than it is.