What's a good way to go about character creation?

hello, im currently brainstorming a way to make a character creation system, but im not quite sure.

all i can think of currently, is making a gui (at the applicable time during character creation)
which lets players flick through different appearance options. once they click a done button, they save data to their datastores which tells the game what they chose for their character appearance / clothing during character creation, then theyre given that appearance.

that sounds like it might work, but i feel like theres possibly a better way of doing it.
responses would be appreciated!

Yeah that’s a good way of creating a character customization screen. One way I have done in the past is by indexing values, 1, 2, 3, etc. So when you click arrows, you go down the list to the next number(and can wrap it back around to the front). You would just have to ensure the data gets sent to the server via a RemoteEvent or however you would want to do that. Also just check on the server that the values provided from the event are Valid, in the event that some exploiter tried breaking the game for some reason.

Wherever they may go after clicking done, you can just set their appearance when their character loads in based on what you have datastored.

thank you for the clarity man :slight_smile: