Whats a good way to make an animation play onto the camera?

could you animate a part and copy the parts cframe to the camera?

is this a good method and if so how could you do this

It is possible to put the Camera’s CFrame onto the part. First you need to make the camera Scriptable so that the player can’t edit it.

camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Scriptable

And the main code you need is:

camera.CFrame = part.CFrame

Since the part would be animated, that line of code has to execute per rendering pass. And a variable can be added if you want to enable or disable the CFrame modification.

local runService = game:GetService("RunService")

local cameraIsFollowingPart = true

runService.PreRender:Connect(function() -- Happens prior to rendering.
	camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType[cameraIsFollowingPart and "Scriptable" or "Custom"]
	if not cameraIsFollowingPart then return end
	camera.CFrame = part.CFrame

You can use TweenService to animate the part.