TOPIC: What’s a sanity-check? (How do I Implement them?)
Hello fellow devlopers!
It's Braiden, but you can call me Pingu.
Today, I'm super excited to teach you server-sided sanity-checks and why you absolutely should be using them in your game/code. So, let's get started!
Question-1: WHAT?!
A server-side sanity-check is like the safety net for your game.
It's a piece of code that runs on the server rather than the player's device (client).
Its primary job is to validate important actions (like buying/selling) and data (like money/gems) to ensure everything from the player's device (client) is correct and not modified.
Here's a quick image to break it down.
Without a sanity-check…
With a sanity-check…
Question-3: HOW?!
In this sanity-check example, we use a simple magnitude check within the server-side script.
Before allowing a player to equip the sword, we check to ensure they don't attempt to pick up the item from too far away.
function Equipped()
--- Here we're grabbing our variables we're going to need within this function.
--- Since we equipped the tool, the tool will be inside the character so we can use 'Tool.Parent' to reference the character-object.
--- Then use the Players service ( game:GetService('Players') ) to get the player-object from said character-object.
--- Then use the Player object to reach for humanoid and the torso!
Character = Tool.Parent
Player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(Character)
Humanoid = Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
Torso = Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") or Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
if not CheckIfAlive() then
--- This takes the Tool's Handle Position and Torso's Position and check's the magnitude (distance inbetween) and makes sure it's not to high.
--- If it is, we're going to kick them from the game and return to prevent memory leakage.
if (Tool.Handle.Position - Torso.Position).Magnitude >= 15 then
Player:Kick("Attempted to grab sword from far away!")
ToolEquipped = true
This is just one of the many sanity checks you can add into your server-side scripts to help security and stopping exploits.
Thanks for taking the time to read this forum tutorial!
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Best regards,
Braiden (Pingu)
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