What's all the errors on this devoke script?

What is all the errors on this devoke script?

First off, what does this script do?

Well this script will make all frames invisible except the one that is supposed to be visible.

local Replicated = game.ReplicatedStorage
local ClientGuiEvents = Replicated.client.gui.events
local DevokeEvent = ClientGuiEvents.devoke
local DataGuiDevokeFolder = Replicated.data.gui.devoke
local DataGuiDevokeFolderOpenedString = DataGuiDevokeFolder.OpenData
local CloneFolder = Replicated.cloning
local CloneGuiFolder = CloneFolder.gui

local DevokeOpenFrame = ""
local OperateTime = 0.5
local ErrorAmount = 1

local StarterDevoke = "TeamSelector"
local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer

local function LocalPlayerFunc()
	local FindPlayer = game.Players:FindFirstChild(DataGuiDevokeFolderOpenedString.Value)
	if FindPlayer then
		local LclPlayer = FindPlayer
		warn("Error #"..ErrorAmount.." | Cannot find player :18: | Name Found as "..FindPlayer)

function Devoke(DevokeEvent)
	local FoundDevokeTarget = Player.PlayerGui:FindFirstChild(DevokeOpenFrame)
	if FoundDevokeTarget then
		local DevokeTabel = {"TeamSelector" or " "}
		local success =
			DevokeTabel - FoundDevokeTarget
		if success then
			local DevokeClone = DevokeTabel:Clone()
			warn("Error #"..ErrorAmount.." | did not find success on 'devoke' :32:")


What are all the errors in this script and the stuff I can change? Please rewrite the script aswell with telling me how to fix these errors in future needs.

What does “devoking” mean? It has no definition, so I assume it’s your own terminology.

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Devoke is, yes. But it’s coppied from Pet Simulator X Devoke.

The “DevokeOpenFrame” variable needs to assign a value.

Right, but what is the intended behavior? What part of the puzzle does it play?