Whats causing this?

I’m using tweens to move the character. I’ve tried a bunch of stuff and nothing has worked.

(model is from toolbox)

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Is the turning tween looped? (Repeat -1)

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Can you show me script that turns character?

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Could be because of multiple tweens running at the same time on the same model

This is likely as I’m playing a tween every .2 second, How exactly do i stop all of the current playing tweens?

What tween are you playing every .2 seconds?

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The tween to position the character. TweenService:Create(enemy.PrimaryPart, TweenInfo.new(.2, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear),{CFrame = Goal}):Play()

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You should only do one tween to move it to the destination, and detect when that tween is completion using tween.Completed

You should really use Humanoid:MoveTo instead

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That makes the humanoid walk to a position. That does not tween an anchored character

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Well it seems like he is making a TDS type of game, why not use Humanoid:MoveTo for the characters moving?

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I’m sticking with this method for optimization reasons.

Running a tween every .2 seconds isn’t that optimized

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Or do you mean his method?

Specifically @KdudeDev’s method. I Spent 3 Months Making A Tower Defense Game | Vault TD Devlog #1 - YouTube

Yuh Just use Humanoid:MoveTo() event.

I’m sticking with this method. Changing to Humanoid:MoveTo() is not a fix. I’m specifically looking for a fix not a different method.

Are there Multiple Tweens running at once?

I believe so. How would I stop all playing tweens? Store them in a table and manually stop them when I play a new one?