What's Coming in 2019: This Year's Developer Roadmap

I wonder why these got deferred…

These two updates were the two updates I have been waiting for all year. Anyone have any insight on why these got deferred?


They were much more ambitious than they thought, Fromm what I recall, as well as them wanting to prioritize other features as well, such as ephemeral DataStores.

Will you be able to apply terrain materials to parts when this comes out (Unless this is already out, and I am super blind)? For example: Applying the ‘sandstone’ texture that is used in smooth terrain to parts as well?


I cannot wait for Terrain Vegetation & Custom Materials those are the 2 things I really want.


Custom Materials are going to be a great thing for the Roblox platform.


I’m honestly so excited for the terrain vegetation to be released. I think it will really bump up the visual quality of a lot of maps, and I’m curious on how dynamic the vegetation will be! :slightly_smiling_face: Can’t wait


It’s 4 days until the 3rd Quarter will be over are all of these going to be released at ounce or is there going to be a delay?


It’s likely these will be delayed or released early in Q4.

It’s also important to note that Roblox does bulk releases— they release a lot of functionality in most updates (although the updates are released over time)


I’m really wondering when all of these updates for the 3rd quarter will come out. I’m extremely hyped for these and hope these come soon.


Are we going to get the 3rd quarter updates late? Tomorrow is the last day.

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I’m super excited for this, I recently watched a YouTube video on how Nintendo created their textures for Super Mario Galaxy 2 using Normal Maps and if we are allowed to change these normal maps (possibly with sprite sheets?) then there will be a huge room for creativity!


I think normal maps are going to be similar to textures on a mesh. There will most likely be no features for sprite sheet normal maps however it would be a very neat feature for better looking water at farther render distances.


Any updates? It’s past the due date.


I am excited to see when Roblox Studio will be able to load in high-textured meshes/3d models, meaning even greater and realistic games will come to exist and show smaller developers great knowledge of why they should continue learning 3d modelling.


I have a feeling that ‘Custom Materials’ won’t be as custom as we think. As much as I’d love to have truly import my own normals, diffuse, specular, etc., I doubt ROBLOX would add this; I think the entire thing will just be a slider within the properties channel for objects. I say this due to things I’ve heard from other Modelers.

But if it turns out well then it will be a big step in the right direction for raising the bar for what Is considered a “good modeler.”


Still waiting on the 3rd Quarter to release with no communication whatsoever on the issue of release. Can we get an update on this…?


They usually update in large chunks. With all the amazing features that are proposed, the late release is understandable.

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Not really, since the 2nd Quarter updates came in a timely manner within the time frame and most were individual.

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Eh I guess, but we can’t do anything but have patience.

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Having exactly the same feeling about it. Wouldn’t be surprised for the disappointment if its like that. But one can dream.