What's Halberd up to?

What community is this #bulletin-board post informing? The 3 users who will happen to come across my Roblox profile, of course.

im so sorry if this post is too unprofessional for devforum

This is a topic that will continually be edited (or maybe replied to) to detail the current projects I’m working on, as well as a few that are halted or only planned.

so what is he doing
Harold berd

Right now, in the moment: Ocean Challenge

short lil project
Based directly on a dream I had a while ago. There is no challenge in sight because I was just lost in the middle of the ocean.

The bigger stuff

Late Afternoon

This is the most worldbuilding I’ve put into a concept for a Roblox “game” (there isnt much that makes it a game)
The game is populated by two religious groups: there isn’t really a name for either, but there are followers of the sun and followers of the moon.
The thing is though, it’s all symbolic, and the moon symbolizes depression. I could talk a lot more about this, but I know you probably don’t want to see me YAPPING!
Followers of the sun can be called the ones who embrace, while followers of the moon can be called the ones who evade.
You embrace the sun’s warmth, or you evade it’s lies.

This game is a good demonstration of the type of “game” I would most enjoy making on Roblox: since I’m not one for game design at the moment, I can use the one thing I can do, which is creating visuals, to make some interesting stuff. Almost like 3D art pieces.

2 projects halted or planned

Midnight Sun

This one’s all about classic-style building. Hooray for studs!
I wanted to make a game focused on a weird but also really cool oversight involving GeographicLatitude. (roblox staff if youre seeing this, PLEASE dont patch this)
You can set the clock time to midnight and adjust the geographic latitude to put the sun in the sky, making it into this ominous glowing orb against a pitch black background and i love it

Only a single long part because I started a different project almost immediately after starting this one.

Stairway to Astropolis

-polis means a city, and astro- means star… hmmm… astropolis… city in the stars…

Stairs. There’s TEN THOUSAND of them.
I hadn’t gotten to any building of Astropolis, which is at the top of all those stairs. When I last worked on this project I was making the little resting points off to the side of the staircase.

and well uh thats about it

I don’t even know if this is a proper usage of #bulletin-board. I hope nothing here makes this topic worthy of deletion cause it means all that typing will just go to waste.

And always remember, no matter how good my stuff may eventually come to look, I will never really know what I’m doing.

how am i supposed to share this with roblox communities if theyre just gonna censor the url

most recent update

my lag test thing to practice scripting is finished

i have officially scripted something, this is crazy