Whats Part.Velocity and how to use it?

hi , i want to understand whats Part.Velocity and i want to use it for Vector Math


Use AssemblyLinearVelocity instead which is what Velocity used to be but it’s deprecated (which means you shouldn’t use it anymore in new projects).


Also uh as @njesk12 mentioned earlier that property is Deprecated, and will probably be removed soon

And to explain what it is, it’s essentially it’s “speed” of it’s moving at any given direction, but according to the documentation, don’t set it directly.

Using a VectorForce constraint is preferred, or use BasePart:ApplyImpulse if you want instantaneous change in velocity.

It’s commonly used anchored as conveyer belts. So think of it like if you throw the part straight up with a initial velocity of 5 studs/second (i don’t believe seconds is the exact unit but we’ll keep it this way for simplicity), the its Velocity would be (0,5,0), which then gravity (an acceleration that grounds items) will slow it down and eventually bring it back down to the ground.