What's Roblox's internal mesh file extension? (.obj / .fbx / ?)

Just a simple question really. I’m trying to automate the downloading of mesh files using assetdelivery.roblox.com; for example: https://assetdelivery.roblox.com/v2/assetId/1484148960 (a dominus mesh for testing).

Then I just download this:

For images I found I can just add the file extension “.png” or “.jpeg”, but what extension should be used for meshes? Neither .fbx nor .obj seems to work; blender can’t open the file.

Well that my friend is a json file, that is also not the mesh, you might need to dig a little deeper to download the original mesh used

Roblox uses an internal mesh format that’s well documented if you know where to look on here, another tip, use /v1/asset?id=, you’ll get the source asset with that

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Is it not .rbxm? Char limit brrrt

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I meant to say that I downloaded from the url that is highlighted in the image. I’m pretty sure that gives me the same file as /v1/asset?id=.

My issue is what to do with the file after it’s downloaded.

This works for images, but what’s the right extension for meshes?

That doesn’t seem to work either. I tried opening it in studio and got:

same issue with .rbxmx

As I stated before, Roblox uses its own format for meshes that no external program outside of Studio is going to support

A lot of the early meshes are actually just text documents that can be opened. v1 definitely does return the mesh as I’ve done this myself

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Oh, I misunderstood your first msg. Thanks for the help :slight_smile:

New mesh example:

Old mesh example:

If it exists, where could I find the internal mesh documentation for version 2.00 (to make new meshes readable)?

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