What's that empty space in an output, if not "" or " "

Idk ,how to describe that in my if statement, so it won’t happen anymore
Any ideas?

What do you mean? Are you trying to determine if something is a whitespace character?

I want to know, how is this void called, in the output (6th index)
Because my “if satement”, isn’t breaking the for loop.

I guess that it is no more than 1 or 2 whitespaces. print('this', 'will', 'print', 'with', 'whitespaces')

should i use string.gsub, then?

You will need to pass one parameter to print then print(str).

Consider changing your if statement to do if letter == " " or letter == "". Let me know if this works for you.

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Thanks for giving me an idea!
I think, that you gave me that by an accident, but thanks!