Hello! In this obby I just released, the skip stage price is currently 6 robux, and for some reason, the roblox share turned out to be 1 robux. Does anyone know what price would be best for this product, while maximizing profit & the lowest tax share? Thanks!
19-49 You decide. Any less isn’t worth having, anymore risks players buying it in the first place. Personally when I find myself buying a “skip stage” devproduct its usually in that price range, depending on obby difficulty
I would also suggest making a few stages a bit harder to justify purchasing it at all, if they’re all easy, no one would even look at it
Nobody will be able to tell you for sure, like in actual business the cheaper thing A is the more will buy but you make less money per unit, the more expense the less people but it but you make more money per unit. So it’s about balancing. Only way to find the best balance is experimentation