What's the best stud to use on ROBLOX studios?

For rotate I use 5. I was talking about the movement stud being 0.05.

1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, 0.0625, 0.03125 are the ones that should be used but you can break the rules to get the ideal design you envision.


I disagree strongly with many of these replies. Roblox uses 1024 as a maximum value and their baseplate is 512 (X and Z). I HIGHLY suggest using 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, etc., or just any multiple by 4 for a decent-sized build. Otherwise, I suggest using 2, 1, 0.5, 0.1, and 0.05 for smaller builds. These numbers should make building and aligning very simple and efficient.

I mainly use 1, 0.5 and 0.25 (sometimes 0.125). I almost never use 0 because it’s impossible to get things aligned and makes everything look messy, although it’s ok for natural things like plants and rocks because they don’t need to be aligned.

Maximum value of what? I’m able to use values over 1024, so I think I might be thinking of something different than you.

Maybe I haven’t used their maximum stud movement size in a while, but last time I checked it was 1024… it may have grown to 2048 now? I’m not too sure.

I see, I thought you were talking about part size, which is 2048. My bad.

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I should’ve specified. It’s all good!

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I normally use 0.05 or 0.01, but if im doing not as precise stuff ill use 0.1

I do the same. But if I feel picky I will use 0.2 it helps too.

I said Rotate was ‘5’, Never said ‘0.05’. I literally said “0.05 for movement” not rotate.

Lol, when I use rotate it is 0.05 so it is just 0.5 rotate.

I personally recommend only using 0.25, 0.5, and 1. Using anything other than this may cause frequent misaligns. Of course, I do use 0 but only when I need to connect something.

If you use 0 studs then you’re going to go to hell and back trying to find someone to either accept your misaligned work or spending 5 hours on aligning everything.

I use either 0.25, or 0.125 sometimes i go even lower if its not small enough.

you can always allign it in the properties section

That takes extra time you could be using to finish up the rest of your project. Of course, small assets are fine with 0.125 or 0.0625 but I just don’t see how you could do it with something like placing pavement on grass.

0 studs, it is way better for building cause we have a lot of freedom.

Yes the freedom but cause I work in a team I need to make stuff look good unless I am making some so small then yes the freedom.

@Unxequrn @danijellu @HSTHECAT and whoever else said 0 studs, I strongly disagree. 0 studs gives you freedom, but maybe a bit too much freedom. The issue is it often leads to dimensions with a lot of numbers after the decimal (ex: A bench might be 9.345 Studs). This becomes a problem for alignment and a lot of other stuff. It’s best to not go below 0.05 studs.


There is no best stud to use, it will vary on the level of detail and what your trying to do.

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Increments may vary depending on what are you tryna’ build but as as builder myself, I make use measurements that are equivalent to one another ensuring my objects are aligned and the following are:

  • 2
  • 1
  • 0.5
  • 0.25
  • 0.125
  • 0.0625
  • 0.03125

I for one also think 0 studs is worth considering to use on certain situations as this allows you to move your object freely but then again, you best be taking caution as you use it as it comes in loose over control/grip on the draggers. I must say though, I find them effective and efficient in thought of making parts join surfaces with the join surfaces setting on. Either way, everyone’s got different preferences so my methods may either apply or not to you as measurements are subject to change depending on what kind of build you’re on.