What's the best stud to use on ROBLOX studios?

Hello fellow developers
I am Joey,
I had this question for a while. What’s the best stud to use when you are build, I am talking about big and small builds. I asked my friend who is a developer he said 25 studs is the one he uses when he makes big builds so I went for it but I don’t only want to make big builds I want to make small and big. I mostly use 1 stud but it isn’t my favourite witch do you developers use when you are building so I can find witch I like and ones you guys recommend to use.
Thank’s for your time.


I usually use 0 studs and I think many do as well. With 0 studs, you can build precisely and when posing your GFX render in Roblox Studio its very easy to move the parts.

Also I think this is in the wrong category. I think its supposed to be in #development-discussion


Agreed. I like using 0 studs as well cause it gives you more freedom when building and moving things around in general.


Thank you, I will change it I am sorry this is my first post just got in the program.

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Most of the time when I make small builds I use 0.05 studs or 0.1 and the rest of the time 1 stud.
Hope this helped you a little. :slight_smile:


Sounds good I could use different studs when I am building. :slight_smile:

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It really depends on what I’m doing ofc. With smaller builds/more details, I’ll use 0 studs. But when I need to evenly space stuff I’ll use 10 - 50. Also for larger builds, I’ll use 15 studs.

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Sounds good I will try to use 15 studs but the thing is that when ever I use a stud number like 25 I can’t move it unless I check mark it off.

Please don’t listen to the 0 studs people. It will murder your part alignment and make you rage. I would suggest dividing 1 by 2 and so on. :slight_smile:

  • 1

  • 0.5

  • 0.25

  • 0.125

  • 0.0625


0 studs is a nono. Your builds turn out extremely irregular, uneven and not mirrored.

I personally always use 0.1, 0.05, 0.01 (0.05 and 0.01 in extreme cases when I need to align something more specifically).

I also use larger increments of studs like 5 and 10 for longer parts.


Okay I know the struggul when I use 0 stud even when you are cloning it is hard to use it. Point taken thanks I will try to use them so I use 0.25 like my friend said thanks.


Thank you I will never use 0 stud thanks for commenting to help me.

Yea, 0 studs can lead to improper placing and non-perfect results, I think that if you want to do some small detailing, do .125 or .25.


It make’s it look like it is miss placed.


I only use 0 studs when I’m making very random placement, for example, books on a bookshelf. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Yes basic stuff when it is needed not when you are making something big.
The hidden stuff like you said books on a bookself nobody would care if it is misplaced. :sweat_smile:

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I’d recommend using 0.05, I use this and it’s perfectly fine. I’ve been developing for around 3 years now and it’s been the best movement stud that I’ve used. You pretty much have enough freedom to build aswell as being able to allign things.


I recommend using 0.1 to get a ruff shape of your model, start using 0.02 for a while to get more detail.

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I use 0.05 rotate it is very help too. Thanks for commenting.

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I use it too when I get into those tiny parts and 0.02 is good too. Thanks for commenting.

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