(They don’t seem to be distinct primitive polygons)
Btw the image is from the game Splatoon 2
SurfaceGui with frames, or just parts
If you’re making roblox splatoon u might as well just use a bunch of 3x1x3 parts or 4x1x4 and have them change colour
Good luck supporting low network throughput and low memory devices with that approach.
Looks like projected decals/images to me, maybe with some kind of special shading.
You can read about it here, and why Roblox doesn’t have it currently: SurfaceProjection object - #47 by nsgriff
Non-moving smoothplastic parts aren’t that memory heavy depending on how dense he decides to go with.
I would design individual parts (e.g segments of a floor) in Blender or Cinema 4D and import them as a Mesh into ROBLOX so that you can get a little bit of detail into them. That combined with some lighting effects (Blur, bloom, etc) should help you achieve a “paint effect”.
For the game I’m working on I just stuck with very thin plates.
This takes advantage of instancing and featherweight parts. The glass material/skybox also helps with the effect.
You could improve this effect by having the corners use wedges, or by using a different meshpart depending on how many same-colored neighbors a cell has.
(as for network usage, I throttle the amount of paint that can be created at every step by queueing them. Instead of parenting parts to nil to remove them from play, I just set their transparency to 1 to save even more data.)
How do you achieve this effect? o3o
By the pixelated looks of it, that’s just a static texture. Corrected below
xd I guess it could be a glorified gif but wait hes typing
I get the MeshID of each body part to create a fully-transparent Part with a FileMesh with that ID, which I then weld to the character. I then add three decals under each fake body part. The three decals use a series of cloud textures, which blend together to improve the effect.
(this is with 1 decal only)
Here’s the textures I use, if you want to borrow them:
local cloudTextures = {
(oh, and for the head, I had to use a custom mesh which I UV-mapped so that the entire head is covered by the decal instead of only the face)
How did you do that?