What's the best way to have a table of data?

I want to create a table that has a list of positions that have been used, I need this list to be accessible by both local and server scripts. Any suggestions on how to do this?

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Why do you need this table and how many positions will it have

If it needs to be accessed by both client/server, a good way is to update on the server and send a copy to each client whenever it is updated. You must be careful of the times where an update is in flight and the client and server tables might not match.

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I need this table, so I know if something is placed at that certain position so that nothing else can be placed their, it will have lots of positions, depending on how much stuff is placed.

Are those positions of parts within the workspace? If they are, depending on the size of the server space, it would be more efficient to calculate the positions on the client instead of sending them all at once. I suggest sending each position as the parts get placed.

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Yes the positions are in the workspace, they are parts that are being placed.

Calculating and keeping track of the positions of the parts would indeed help save network bandwidth. Instead of continuously sending the positions of each part over the network, the client can perform the calculations internally. This approach reduces the amount of data that needs to be transferred, resulting in improved network efficiency.

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ok, so you’re saying to calculate the positions locally and then send them to the server?

Are the parts created in a local-sided script or a server-sided script you shouldn’t make them in a local-sided one so the server and client should calculate them on their own and shouldn’t communicate this data

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The parts are created on the server side.

In that case, the parts can be calculated and managed either in a server-sided script or a client-sided script. To achieve this, you can create separate tables for both the client side and the server side. Each table should be updated as parts are created or deleted. It’s important to keep the client-side and server-side tables separate and avoid sharing them to ensure security.

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Thank you for your help, I will do that.

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