Whats the best way to learn lua?

1 more thing tho,is lua.org helpful?

Yes and no? I wouldn’t rely on it since Roblox Lua is different from Lua itself. Roblox Lua is just a modified version of Lua. I would use https://developer.roblox.com/en-us , the Roblox Developer Hub.

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Yea my friends were saying Roblox uses a modfied version of Lua 5.1 for Roblox Studio and their platform

lol yeah it’s past midnight

Just don’t give up. I’ve had a couple times where I thought I’d never be able to figure something out, so I just avoided it for a few days. You’ll eventually think of a solution to everything, even if it takes you a while.

And no, lua.org is rarely helpful. Lua.org to me feels like they’re writing to the people who built computers, and I barely understand what they’re trying to say half the time. The language they use is very high level and requires a deep understanding of Lua to really absorb, which I think is rather unfortunate for newcomers and even more experienced scripters. Always use it as a last resort.

Plus, as @Creeperthekid32 said, RobloxLua is a bit different. Mostly rely on the DevHub for the information you need, and even third party websites such as ScriptingHelpers.org will help you out. Look at all your options when you Google what you need.


Roblox Lua definitely has some exact terms from Lua, but they aren’t all the same, stuff like I believe DataStores aren’t a thing on normal Lua platforms.


Sums the rest up of what I was going to say!


The environment doesn’t make the language different. Lua in Roblox is nearly identical to vanilla Lua, it’s just running in an environment. Learning Lua and learning the Roblox API are two completely separate things which, in Roblox, typically happen at the same time.


I have no idea what part of lua.org you have been reading. PiL is very beginner friendly, and explains stuff thoroughly. Maybe you were reading the manual? The manual isn’t really supposed to be a learning tool.


I would also recommend on watching Videos from AlvinBlox… It is Helpful…


Oh wow yeah you’re probably right. The manual is not friendly, but PIL definitely is.

Not beginner friendly. The manual assumes you have some experience with Lua and depending on how you intake the information, it can be quite helpful. Typically though I only use the manual as reference for things that I’m looking further at after reading PiL.

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The Manual assumes you’re some sort of god who is all-knowing.

PiL assumes you probably have some experience in programming but not very much.

From my experiences in Lua, the manual is rarely helpful. The only page I’ve found myself coming back to is the Math Library and the Patterns Library, whereas in the PiL it does seem to explain things a bit more. In my opinion, the manual is more useful if you’re just looking for what variables you should pass to a certain Lua function (which studio shows you now anyway).

You can also use small classes, such as CodaKid, etc.

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lua.org is the basis of Roblox Lua. Roblox created the framework and made a couple useful functions and properties to their instances.

lua.org is useful for learning things like tables but usually, there is nothing you can learn on their that you can’t learn on the DevForum

Nah im good,he dosent go into much detail like PeasFactory

Yes actually. Being able to use other’s code is an integral part of being a scripter. This applies to big programming languages as well. Just note that there is a difference in using code and just outright taking the code and putting your name on it.

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What is UI? Thanks you for the tips.

I learn Lua by going on the Roblox Wikipedia.

At the same time I think something quite helpful would just be doing it like a sandbox, grabbing items from toolbox, understanding how it works and trying to replicate.