Im about to sponsor my game and since i don’t have a very big budget, i need to be careful with this. My game is mainly meant for kids, so i have some sort of idea of how to sponsor it.
My thoughts are:
under 13 and 13+ (i think kids still do lie about their age)
Any gender (not a gender based game)
phone and tablet (i think that’s where most kids play on)
not sure how many days.
I’m not sure exactly what you mean about What is the best way to sponsor it as there is only page Ads and Game Ads if that’s what you mean I would probably try asking youtubers to play the game if a very well-known youtuber turns it down try asking small youtuber with like 1k subs or less they will most likely happily play it for free.
i mean like sponsor the experience, so a game ad. I’ve also tried that method before of asking youtubers, but the one with the lowest amount of subs I could find was 80k.