Whats the cause of all this recv?

i have created an ability from “jjk” like in the video and i got 43 recv on normal when an enemy is found! thats seems very high for only server checks and one run service loop! i got everything on the client as visuals! this is server:

and this is the video:

Blue circle on client. Red circle on server

I believe the Heartbeat cycle (that fires every 1/60 seconds roughly) with the createragdoll function would account for a lot of your issues.

It seems you’re creating ragdolls for every humanoid the ball touches - every frame. Consider adding in a cache so that you only create a ragdoll per humanoid and dont ragdoll it when its already ragdolled?

i got no idea on how to create one ragdoll because the target is in the heartbeat function

What comes to mind if making a hash table before the function and then checking if the target is a key in the table. If not, create it and add it to the table

local Targets = {}
---conn here
if not Targets[Target] then
       Targets[Target] = rag.CreateJoints(Target)

this is what i got but doesnt work for some reason

You didnt set the motors, and you also don’t need the table.insert as you’re doing a dictionary rather than an array.


thank you soo much! helped alot got it down to 3 recv~!

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