What's the difference betweeen Limited and Limited U?

not sure if this is the right section, but what’s the different between Limited items and Limited U items? i keep seeing these 2 different flairs on items in the marketplace and i don’t understand the difference. can someone please explain it to me?

Limited Label Limited U Label


A regular limited is a pre-existing non-limited item that’s later elevated to the “limited” status (after a certain amount of time elapses)

A limited unique is an item that was made a limited at the time it was created. For example, UGC items are Limited Uniques because at the time they were uploaded, they were limited by default


Limited U (Limited Unique) items each have a serial number and a set number of stock, limiteds are just items gone offsale that can only be obtained from reselling


does that mean limited u items can’t be resold?

no, both can be resold.


now it all makes sense! thanks for your help!

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