I dont really need an answer to this but im curious on whats the limit of a while true do loop as in using one that fires to the server every 0.05 seconds because of a critical game mechanic
are you sure there isn’t a better solution then doing this?
forgot to mention it also goes back so thats x2 the amount
renderstep havent tested it yet
You should never be firing to the server every .05 seconds. I don’t care what mechanic there is, theres definitely a better way.
tweening/lerping it which is what im testing atm
no that would be even faster if you have 60 fps…
you shouldn’t need to fire the event so many times
The limit before a queue is 20 times per second.
However, you shouldn’t be firing the server every 0.05 seconds.
Can you explain more of what you are trying to do with this?
Thank you, also I’m trying to get a smooth display of an arms movement for others by firing to server and handling the movement on client after
I just started trying to use lerps since tween failed before
yea so i made it lerp smoothly and now it doesnt fire to the server every 0.05 seconds now its 0.2