Whats the name of this core gui and how to disable it

Not a while ago roblox remade the whole roblox gui to look like this:
(screenshot got courrpted but at this time someone has already helped me)
Is there any way of disabling that menu or atleast moving it or smt its in the way

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I suggest renaming your post title to ask a better question rather than a confusing question

I am pretty sure you cannot disable that, but I am also sure that the feature could only be available in Roblox Studio, so most users wouldn’t notice it in the live servers.

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Oh hahaha my fault but whats wrong with the title? maybe you mean that this isnt a coregui and therefore its confusing? sorry im new

In DevForum, you are encouraged to write a meaningful title. The title looks informal, might be too long, etc.

But overall, there’s no serious issue :+1:

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obvious AI user is obvious

Anyways, in regards to the actual topic, you can disable this (in studio).
FILE (top left of your screen) > Beta Features >

And I’ll show you a video of where to turn this off:


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