What's the rbxassetid of the click detector icon?

I have this system where you can use a click detector with a tool equipped, but the only thing it is missing is the click detector icon to change the mouse icon when the mouse is over the click detector. Does anyone know the rbxassetid://number for it?


Can I get more clarification?

Are you referencing the pointing finger mouse icon? I would like to assume so, but I’m a little confused. Sorry about that!

I’m referring to this icon

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Yeah, I thought so.

I believe it is simply just “rbxasset://SystemCursors/PointingHand.”

It may be a bit different, I don’t know. I haven’t messed around with them yet. But, if it isn’t the same as the Click Detector pointer, just tell me. I’ll do a bit more research to find it for you!

You can find more default icons here:

Though, it is outdated and I believe some don’t work (the crosshair for example. I’ve tried using it before and it wouldn’t work.)

I do believe the built-in mouse icons do appear in Roblox’s new site “Roblox
Creator Documentation.”


Documentation home page:

Mouse Icon page:

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It doesn’t work, not changing even though print statements say it is over it. I put the thing in an imagelabel and it doesn’t show anything as well.

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There is no “rbxassetid”. However, there is a “rbxasset”, which goes into the folder of the client.

I already tried rbxasset and rbxassetid, both showed nothing

I thought that may happen. From the outdated documentation, it never really worked for me. You’d probably need to do more research on your part or ask if someone else knows. I’ve never been able to figure that issue out, even though I’ve spent hours researching trying to.

My apologies, but I’m out of help here.

I’ll just use photoshop then to crop it out and upload it to roblox

That’s a smart idea if I’m being honest lol
I wouldn’t have thought to do that in a million years, I think over things too much sometimes. It’s a bad habit :skull:

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You can just go into the Roblox files and upload the image into Studio from there.

how do i do that? whats the directory on windows 10?

Windows + R, %AppData% goto Local then look through the files

Just tried that, I can’t find that cursor image anywhere in the textures folder.

All of the files in there are obfuscated numbers

iirc it was in the textures folder let me check

Really weird how it’s not in the folders.

Checked majority of the folders in all versions, and it doesn’t seem to be in there. Strange.

might be an uploaded asset by Roblox

weird but he could use the more modern version of it way better when it comes to sizing aswell

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rbxasset://textures\\DragCursor.png works for me