Whats the reasoning behind why this practice works?

I recently came across this really handy practice for toggling between two values, however I don’t fully understand which quirk of Luau’s allows me to do something like this:

function ToggleText(bool:boolean)
	TextLabel.Text = bool and "OFF" or "ON"

Where I would rather have to be doing this instead:

function ToggleText(bool:boolean)
	if bool then
		TextLabel.Text = 'ON'
		TextLabel.Text = 'OFF'

Does someone know what is happening here?

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How logical operators work in Lua and operator precedence.

Note that you have the option of using Luau if-then-else expressions which kinda replace the old idiom.

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Wow thank you, that is really interesting.

So the Luau way of writing it would be like this?

function TextToggle(bool:boolean)
	TextLabel.Text = if bool then 'ON' else 'OFF'

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