What's wrong about this script guys?

I’m doing a Story Game and the code doesn’t run and the texts don’t show up.

local Status = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild(“Status”)

local Sendtext = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild(“SendText”)

local CaveDoor = game.Workspace.CaveEntry.CaveDoor


Status.Value = “Get settled into the camp”
SendText:FireAllClients(“Howdy folks, Krystal here, your trusty guide. I’ve been in this business for 40 years - and my safety record with camp is astonishingly bad. We value your money, over safety! Enjoy your stay!”)


game.Lighting.TimeOfDay – 6.30 PM
Status.Value = “Night is approaching”


Status.Value = “Oh no, it’s raining in the camp. We’ll need to take shelter in the cave.”
game.Workspace.RainPart.ParticleEmitter.Enabled = true
SendText:FireAllClients(“Accidentally sprayed some fertiliser on your picnic basket. Should be OK though, I think I’m using the non-toxic version today, although I’m not entirely sure…”)


Status.Value = “Everyone’s starting to get hungry, but you forgot to take the foof from the camp!!!”

local picnic = game.ServerStorage.Picnic:Clone()
picnic.Parent = workspace


Status.Value = “Someone needs to sacrifice themselves and head back to the camp to get the basket!”

–Any code inside here will run when the basket gets returned
Status.Value = “The food has safely arrived! We won’t be hungry anymore!”


Status.Value = "But wait! One of the sandwiches is poisoned! One of us will die"

local randomPlayer = game.Players:GetPlayers()[math.random(1,#game.Players:GetPlayers())]

if randomPlayer.Character then
	randomPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0

Status.Value = "We'll have to carry on without them!"




Status.Value = “Oh no! The cave has caved in!”
CaveDoor.CanCollide = true
CaveDoor.Transparency = 0
CaveDoor.BrickColor = BrickColor.new(“Medium stone grey”)
CaveDoor.Material = Enum.Material.Slate

Hard to tell without formatting. Can you edit your post and either:

  • Click the “</>” symbol in the toolbar and paste the code inside the code block
  • OR; type this on one line: ```lua then paste your code, then close it with another three back quotes on the next line (like this: ```)

What is status? Do you have some sort of handler that will update your UI? In this code, it doesn’t have any sort of text GUI for you to modify.