script is local and located in StarterPack sword is located in ReplicatedStorage idk what wrong
local part = game.Workspace.P5.Cloud1
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Replicated = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local startP = game:GetService("StarterPack")
local db = false
if db == true then return end
if part.ClassName == "Part" then
db = true
local success, sword = pcall(function()
local sword = Replicated.SwordOfLight:Clone()
return sword
if success and sword then
sword.Parent = script.Parent
print("Sword added to backpack")
print("Error adding sword: ")
You should not be attempting to give a player a tool on the client side.
Also, you should be checking whether or not the part that has touched your giver is a descendant of a player’s character.
Here’s an example of what I might do:
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local swordGiverPart = game.Workspace:WaitForChild("SwordGiver")
local swordTool = game.ServerStorage:WaitForChild("Sword") -- change this to reference the sword.
if hitPart.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
local player = Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hitPart.Parent)
if not player then return end
local swordClone = swordTool:Clone()
swordClone.Parent = player.Backpack
I’d do something like that ^
Don’t attempt to give players tools on the client side. Only do it on the server side.
ye thank you but its still that problem where you put your script and what type of script this is? maybe then i set sword to StarterPack its working but if i step on part its appear in my inventory but its not working
You would use a server side script and place the logic there. In this case, you would put the script in ServerScriptService or another container that accepts scripts.
if i put this script in ServerScriptService its dont work but if put in StarterPack, StarterPlayerScripts, StarterCharacterScripts its works(because its local script)