What's wrong with my game?

Hi everyone, I recently launched my new game with a 30k robux ad. It’s getting a decent amount of players but the benchmarks are embarrassing (pictured are yesterday’s, March 11).

I can’t figure out what’s wrong, especially what keeps players from staying in the game for more than 2 minutes. Realyta monetization isn’t going badly (nobody bought anything yesterday), but the rest is shameful.

Any help or comments are welcome, as is any useful criticism.

this is the game: Switch Color or Die Obby🎨 - Roblox


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First off,

This type of game has been done probably over 3,000 times. So why is your game better than the other 3,000 copies of these games? The games UI looks identical to any other copy of this game, there’s no unique functions or anything.

There’s your reason.


It’s oversaturated; your “Color picking” mechanic just makes Obby more time-consuming instead of hard or fun. Every time I jump or move, I have to look down and find the color. On the other hand, UI looks identical to every other cash grab game, and the music is annoying. Had to mute it.


I mean the game is not bad. Unlike many other obbies, this one actually works pretty well. But to create something that is supposed to be successful, you need a unique selling point aka. something that differentiates your game from others. And to agree with @bobertus00, this game is fairly repetitive and neither new, nor revolutionary. Add something into the game that is only seen rarely. Doing this can be risky, but can also be the next big hit…


I would argue that the game is not necessarily bad, but it might be the uniqueness of the game in question as the reason for not so much success. Very often, i see the same/similar thumbnails for games like those obbies which most of the time are AI generated, and theres hundreds if not thousands of them, UI looks mostly the same like those other obbies- Alright, ill get to the point quicker. You should ask yourself questions like

‘what differentiates my game from the rest of those obbies?’
‘Whats the driving reason to keep players coming back?’
‘Maybe i should add something to make it stand out?’ Surely, might be a risk to add something unique, something unseen, but even then, you never know, maybe the switch goes off and you succeed.

Think of how many questions can arise! More than those 3. Dont worry though, theres no rush! And i can understand your frustrations, even though ive never developed my real game before but will do so. Everyone has their own journey.
To make it succeed, in summary, you need to have that as Drax previously stated, a selling point.
Happy developing! :smile:


@bobertus00 @miodrag333 @kwkxbxkdkdjjd @IgorBalto thank you all so much for the answers. But I ask, how can this be the reason if many people do not know games similar to mine. I mean, not everyone has played the other versions.

Ps. when I created the game I did not know that other copies existed and I made the mistake of not checking

Because these games have already existed, if you don’t have a different game aspect then those you won’t get players, even if you do you might not.

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