The IQ is not showing up hehe
Can you post the structure of your GUI? I’m not sure where the local script and the message text are located just from the code alone.
Alright, thanks for that. I think your issue is that the GUI is too small to display any further text. Try resizing it on the X axis and see if that works for you.
Hm, that’s odd.
Maybe this script will do it instead. If not, it will display the IQ in the console.
local textLabel = script.Parent
local IQ = 300;
while true do
textLabel.Text = "IQ: "..tostring(IQ)
print("Displaying IQ of "..tostring(IQ))
IQ = math.clamp(IQ-20,0,300)
yeah it works thank you brooooooooo
Oh, I just spotted your issue. The issue with your original script is on line 4
Message.Text = "IQ:" tostring(IQ)
The thing wrong here is that there is no concatenation
This would have to change to:
Message.Text = "IQ: "..tostring(IQ) -- Notice the ".." ?
That’s why your original script errored if you’re still wondering.
This is why code pasted into the site is better
yeah i forgot the … thank you for your help