What's wrong with this script?

Hiya Developers!

Here, i have a part of code that will check what team the player is on, and it should print out what i have said, sadly i am getting this error.

Here is my code:

local Team1 =  game:GetService("Teams")["TestTeam"]
local Team2 = game:GetService("Teams")["In-Game"]
local Player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer

while true do
	for i = 1,10 do 
		status.Value = "New Round Starting In ".. 10-i
		wait (1)

	local rand = math.random(1, #maps)

	local map = maps[rand]:Clone()
	map.Parent = workspace

	status.Value = "Regenerating Map! "..map.Name

	local players = game.Players:GetChildren()
	for i = 1,#players do
		if players[i].Character ~= nil then
			local plrs = game.Players:GetChildren()
			for i = 1,#plrs do
				if Player.Team1 == "TestTeam" then -- Check Users Team
					print("USER IS ON TEST TEAM")
					if Player.Team2 == "In-Game" then
						print("USER IS IN GAME")

Any help would be amazing!

Could you explain why there are two loops over game.Players:GetChildren()?

I think you will have a lot of other issues but the error you pointed out is likely because you are referencing LocalPlayer in a server script or the local player has died. Change the Player.Team1 to plrs[1].Team1 or replace your second loop with the following

local plrs = game.Players:GetPlayers()
for _, plr in ipairs(plrs) do -- using ipairs instead of indexed looping
	if plr.Team1 == "TestTeam" then
	if plr.Team2 == "In-Game" then
		print("USER IS IN GAME")

Not sure why there are two loops, its a code from ages ago, and i decided to change it around.

Yes, i was referencing LocalPlayer in a server script, my mistake. The code you provided seems to interfere with other code below, i will try doing what you said here.

You are using localplayer in a server script and you are using the outdated wait…

btw if you found a solution pls mark it thanks!

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Remember to use GetPlayers instead of GetChildren, even if both return the same result the former is more intuitive.