Wheels flying away when spawning a car bug. (A-Chassis)

So I am working on a vehicle spawner, the issue is after spawning one car all the other cars you spawn fly away.

As shown in the video, the first vehicle you spawn works, then if you try spawning another, the wheels fly away, the only vehicle that always spawns correctly is the Lenco Bearcat as shown in the video.

I tried looking around on the devfourm but didn’t really know what exactly to search

I am not sure what exact scripts you all want so ill include a view pieces that might be important,

local car = v:Clone()
car.Parent = game.Workspace.ActiveVehicles

Above is the script that actually spawns the car.
the variable v is defined as the vehicle the user wants to spawn. (as seen in line 1)

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I’d try setting the CFrame before parenting to workspace.

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That worked, thanks! Such a simple fix lol