Wheels rotating in different directions

The problem is thats left wheels rotate in directions its need to but right ones rotate in opposite way

I tried rotating attachments but it keeps saying that attachment not aligned

I will appreciate any help because i already spent 2 days searching for any information on internet but couldnt find anything

Here screenshots and video:
robloxapp-20240704-1830342.wmv (833.1 KB)


Can you provide any of the code? Try changing the value for the speed of the rotation on the side that is moving incorrectly to the same number but negative (eg. 30 → -30) as since you likely duplicated, rotated, and moved it, it’s probably just because the relative pivot for the part was flipped when you rotated it around to put it on the other side.

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already came up with that and it works so i will tag this as solution

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