Hello, when working on my project, I realized that in my build system I would have to move models by their PrimaryParts but I wasn’t sure how the rest of the model moves with it.
Does the rest of the parts have to be children of the PrimaryPart?
The reason why I asked that is that when the object moves, it’s children except for the PrimaryPart seems to rotate out of control when the only line of code that changes the orientation is when the object is spawned in and when it’s always set to (0, Rot, 0). Rot equaling the number of times the player presses R times 45.
I have tried that but would it be a Weld or a WeldConstraint? I only tried weld and it didn’t work… I’m not very familiar with constraints as I’m a scripter but thanks for the help!
Hmm welds should work, if it doesn’t then I really don’t know what to do. So sorry if I can’t help, but I’ll try, you could try self constraints to see if it will work
if the model is anchored and all parts are in the model it does not have to be under the primary part so they will move with it when you change the position using Model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(CFrame.new(0,0,0))