Hey devs, what I need to do is simple.
I am making a VIP system. When a VIP chats, they will have something before their chat message such as “[VIP]” and possibly in a different color.
I already know how to check for the badge and everything, so I guess I would need an example for whenever anybody chats it puts “[VIP]” before their message.
Thank you so much for your help!
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you mean like if they buy the vip gamepass, it shows vip as the player’s chat tag?
Yes, but don’t worry about the game pass checking, I already have that done. I just need a starting point 
Do you wanting it to be like [VIP] User: Hello in chat?
I just don’t understand the chat well enough to change it when somebody chats.
Oh thank you so much! I don’t know how I didn’t see that before! 
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